Sunday, 9 February 2014

Stuff I Do

Drawing is one of them, sure, playing is another, reading, thinking, hugging(mom's not the only one), there is too much stuff I do to even write all of it, so why not have some math instead? 
Here you go. Vihart for a change: Vi Hart's Channel

Sunday, 2 February 2014


Ah, dreams.
Such elusive subjects, dreams are.  Many have tried and failed to capture a dream; they are like stealthy assassins, unseen and unheard by all, all but one: ME!

To prove this, I, myself, have two dreams to say(short)!
1. Chocolate Competition: About my win at a [chocolate making contest].
2. Swimming: I'm [swimming] in a flooded hallway with mom & Joseph Zammit.   GOODBYE!


Saturday, 25 January 2014

Music links and drawings everyday

Hello, everybody.
BTW, Kasia, your suprise is here. It's.....A BIG HUG, PERSONALLY FROM ME!   <3 :) ( hug) :) <3 (cake)

My favourite music:

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Types Of Hugs

HUUUUUGS!  Have you ever been hugged?  If you've never been hugged, try and practice three types of hugs:
1. the Front Hug-A traditional, timeless hug.
2. the Side Hug- A hug practiced by many Christian schools.
3. the Pound Hug- Half handshake, half hug.

Now, dear readers, practice your HUGGING SKILLS!
(PS:Kasia; I have a suprise for you! I hope you enjoy.)

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Taking Pictures Of Me And My Characters

Oi, everybody!  Listen up!  This is Paige here, ready to give you the latest scoop about my drawings and DrawQuest (plus some family life).                 Update:  DrawQuest is dead! (Old old old)